Lucie Ashkenazi is a Type 2 diabetes coach and podiatrist who specializes in diabetes and its common complication: Diabetic Foot. Her coaching services stemmed from her day to day experience with her patients with Type 2 Diabetes who struggled to efficiently manage their condition and lower their blood sugar levels, leading them to diabetes complications.
With her medical background and passion for her patients’ care and wellbeing, she identified the facet of Diabetes Treatment that was lacking attention and what tools really help women lose weight and improve their health, identifying the missing key that is necessary in order to help her patients start and stick to their journey back to a healthy mind and body.
Our modern healthcare system simply doesn’t offer personalized attention to its patients and a few classes with a diabetes educator simply isn’t enough for a person to put their Type 2 Diabetes into remission. A coach can help you identify what habits or mindset is preventing you from reaching an under-control, stress-free diabetes lifestyle and is there for you when YOU need them, and not only during a diabetes class or appointment at your doctor.
It is only normal for a person with Type 2 Diabetes to struggle when they first get diagnosed and don’t have a clear grasp of how Type 2 diabetes affects them both physically and mentally and how to tackle these effects in a consistent and efficient manner.
Having a qualified professional guide you along the way and knowing you are not alone helps patients achieve their goals because they are driven by a healthy mindset that professional coaching provides them, and it can only be given by someone who understands the struggles, has worked closely with patients with Type 2 diabetes, and is there for you continuously.
It is not enough to be diagnosed with T2 diabetes, to be prescribed pills and told to start exercising and dieting to tackle the condition. It takes more attention than that. General Practitioners and Endocrinologists and a few diabetes education classes do a great job, but they are simply not enough and do not offer that personalized support we need when we have to modify our lifestyle. That’s where a Diabetes Coach comes in to help.
Knowledge is power and a person with Type 2 Diabetes should be given this tool from the start of their diagnosis in order to correctly approach their treatment. No person should be left to struggle with diabetes alone when there are clear and concrete steps to take to drastically improve their condition.
By understanding how a body with insulin resistance functions, what led them here and by developing a desire to make healthy changes that comes from within, a person with T2 diabetes possesses those tools and can start lowering their weight and blood sugar levels and in the case of Pre-diabetes, completely avoid becoming T2 diabetic. With me, you do not ”manage” your diabetes and you do not dump all your hopes on the pills. When you do that, your situation is likely to worsen and in time, you need to rely more and more on medication which makes it even harder to lose weight in the case of insulin. Together, we put your diabetes into remission once for all and leave nothing to chance.
This is what L.A Diabetes Coaching’s goal encompasses.
With this program, T2 diabetes will no longer be a struggle and you will be able to live the life you want without having to worry about diabetes anymore, you will finally be able to focus all your energy on the things you love.